I help entrepreneurs re-learn how to sleep so they can playfully create.
After 20+ years in the fitness and yoga industry, working as a personal trainer to high-powered, creative, (and sleep-deprived) entrepreneurs in NYC,
I realized that any exercise, meditation, or nutrition program I wrote for my clients (or myself) was routinely being derailed by a chronic lack of sleep..
I went on a quest to find answers and seek solutions to sleep challenges once and for all.
In 2023 I earned a postgraduate degree in Sleep Medicine from the University of Oxford and have also been trained in Cognitive Behaivoral Therapy for Insomnia (CBTI) by Michael Grander PhD at the University of Arizona Center for Sleep, Circadian & Neuroscience Research.
It is now my mission to combine evidence-based sleep science with ancient yoga principles, fitness, and nutrition for a holistic plan that gets clients sleeping again. .